como escolher uma bomba maceradora RV

A Macerator Pump is a kind of pump that use with a toilet together.  It can grind up solid waste so that it can be pumped against gravity more effectively.When installing a toilet, en suite bathroom, or utility room in an area not easily serviced by conventional plumbing, a macerator unit is the ideal choice in dealing with the waste and grey water produced.

Many boats and RVs are equipped with macerator pumps , electrically powered waste elimination systems. A macerator pump grinds solid toilet waste into small particles for easier discharge either overboard in the case of marine applications or into holding tanks on RV’s. With their minimal use of space, macerator pumps are ideal for the often small and cramped interiors common to boats, campers and even some smaller houses or cottages. Using the water from the flush, a macerator pump, or simply macerator, combines the water with the suction, chopping and pumping action of rapidly rotating impellers to grind and then discharge the effluvia. The impellers are often made from bronze since it will not rust and is sturdy and easier to manufacture.

SAILINGFLO Pump can offer 2 kind of macetator tofor your choice

  1. The FL-65 series Bomba maceradora de esgoto sanitário 12v Rv

    Comuma poderosadois-blade sistema que pode nos ajudar a fazer o trabalho rapidamente. Falando de uma operação rápida, esta unidade é capaz de esvaziar seus galões em cerca de três minutos para um tanque de 30 galões. 

Macerator Pump

2.Bomba SAILINGFLO Quick Release RV Macerator 

Pode ser anexado e removido com facilidade

Vem com uma entrada de mangueira de jardim

Pode ser usado mesmo para longas distâncias

Tproteção hermética evita o superaquecimento

Com autoescorvante. 

sewage transfer pump

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